Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wise Men Do Nothing

A wise old Zen master, very near death, lay quietly on his mat with his eyes closed, all his disciples gathered around. Kneeling closest to him was his number one disciple, a longtime practitioner who would succeed the old man as head of the monastery. At one point the old master opened his eyes, and lovingly gazed at each and every one of his disciples assembled in the crowded room. Finally his glance rested on his successor, and he managed to speak his last words to the man: "Ah, my son, you have a very thorough knowledge of the teachings and scriptures, and you have shown great discipline in keeping the precepts. Your behavior has, in fact, been flawless. Yet there is one more thing remaining to be cleared up: you still reek and stink of 'Zen'!"

Keiji, a long-time Zen student, approached his master and said: "I don't see how there can be any enlightenment that sets you free once and for all. I think we just get ever greater glimpses of Buddha-nature, the vastness that is our true Reality. It's an ever-expanding process." The master, looking penetratingly at Keiji, replied. "That may be what you think. But what is your experience, your experience right now?" Keiji looked momentarily confused. "My experience right now, Master?" "Yes. Do you know yourself as Keiji, having ever-expanding experiences of Buddha-nature? Or do you know yourself as Buddha-nature, having the experience of Keiji?"

The 4th Chinese Ch'an Patriarch, Tao-hsin (580-651), stated: "The wise man does nothing, the fool ties himself up."

from: http://www.enlightened-spirituality.org/Zen_Humor.html

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