Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Peaceful Warrior

I saw this autobiographical movie recently and it is a great summary of what I've been blogging about. Here are some quotes from the movie:
  • You can spend a whole life not waking up. People are afraid to look on the inside. This is the only place they are going to find what they need.
  • Mind is a reflex organ … reacts to everything! It fills your head with millions of random thoughts a day. None of those thoughts reveal anything more about you than a freckle on the tip of your nose. Take out the trash. Learn to throw out everything you don't need in here.
  • (Who cares if I am a sloppy eater?) You do.
  • Life is about developing the wisdom to apply the right leverage in the right place at the right time.
  • The trash is anything that is keeping you from the only thing that matters … this moment! Here! Now! And when you are truly in the Here and Now, you will be amazed at what you can do and how well you can do it. (Satori in the shower and the horse routine)
  • You are in the past gloating. Not in the present, living.
  • Sometimes you have to lose your mind before you come to your senses.
  • There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments.
  • There is no "better." You will never be "better." Same way you will never be "less" than anybody else.
  • A warrior is not about perfection, victory or invulnerability. He is about absolute vulnerability. The same as true courage.
  • There is no starting or stopping. Only doing.
  • Life has just three rules: a) Life is a paradox, a mystery … don't waste time in trying to figure it out, b) Humor … keep your sense of humor, especially about yourself … it is a strength beyond all measure, c) Change … Nothing stays the same … don't expect it to.
  • The journey is the only thing that can bring us happiness, not the destination. (Even when you think it is because of the destination, look closely and it is your moment-by-moment experience after you reach the destination. You can have this experience all the time … as there are no ordinary moments.)
  • Death is not sad. The sad thing is that most people don't live at all.
Get it on DVD or at least look at this condensed/edited-down version of it on You Tube. It is in 6 parts.
(part 1)

One of the best parts:

Thanks to Nagaraj for giving me this movie.

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