Saturday, May 10, 2008

Shifting our reality with our beliefs

A Harvard professor conducted a research in which he told 1/2 a population of hotel maids that the strenuous work they were doing cleaning rooms is great exercise for the body (the other 1/2 was not told anything) ... within a month, with no change in their routine, all their biological markers (blood pressure, heart rate) improved tremendously and they had lost weight also.

This relates to my previous post: "You can't get oil from a borewell" where the main question was "What if the world has a way of giving us more of what we are being in each area?" The hotel maids were being "I am doing boring work to make ends meet. It is strenuous, hard work but just work." Their way of being was shifted to "This work is great exercise. It is good for my body." Hence their reality shifted.

The placebo effect is well known in medicine. We look past the placebo effect to see the drug's effect. Why not look at ways to sustain/increase the placebo effect? Big plus: there is no medicine given (just a sugar pill) and there will be no side effects.

(NPR story - )

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